Labākā ājurvēdas galvas procedūra smadzeņu darbības uzlabošanai.


Shirodhara – a unique Ayurvedic methodology, when medicated warm oil of a certain composition is dripped on the forehead. This is one of the Ayurvedic treatments that achieve deep relaxation. The effect is reflector. Temperature and movement work on an important energy point that projects on the midline of the forehead just above the eyebrows. This point controls the movement of prana (vital energy), the state of mind, the sharpness of the senses, the entire endocrine system (connection with the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and pineal gland). Activation of this point develops the ability to concentrate, clarity of mind, calms the mind by slowing down the frequency of bio-electromagnetic impulses of the brain to the alpha rhythm (4-7 Hz). Anxiety, depression, stress, headaches decrease, the procedure promotes deep and peaceful sleep. Shirodhara improves the body's adaptation to stress factors.

The procedure of choice for diabetes, all kinds of problems in the head area (central nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, throat), Vata sub-dosha (Prana Vayu) disorders (unclear mind, confusion, breathing problems), asthma, insomnia, high cholesterol level, prostate adenoma, ulcer disease, rheumatism, schizophrenia, epilepsy, hypertension, early graying and hair loss, dandruff.

Durations 30 minutes
Cost: 60 EUR
For maximum effectiveness, perform immediately after abhyanga and svedana, in a course of 3+ repetitions.